Wednesday, March 18, 2015

What the french is wrong with my toast?!?!?!

In addition to fibromyalgia I also suffer from anklyosing spondyloarthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, cluster headaches, and GERD. These are pretty typical diagnoses that are associated with fibromyalgia. The fibro tends to be the biggest problem because of the variety of symptoms and the unpredictability of it, but the back pain from the arthritis is also, well, a pain. I am not sure if I can really tell the difference between the back pain from fibro or the arthritis, it is just there. Honestly, If I were to rupture my spleen, I wouldn't know if I should worry or not because I can't tell the difference between actual pain from injury and that of normal, everyday fibro-stuff. Half the time, I think someone is stabbing me in through the temples. I thought I was having a heart attach one time and rushed to the ER. Nope, just fibro crap and one very cranky ER doctor. So, now I am accustomed to just trying my best to ignore it, or keep myself occupied. Truth is, I always worry that if there was something else wrong, I would never know. Hopefully, I am lucky enough to only have to deal with my current stuff.

Now, I don't know if this is something that other people with fibro experience, but I get these spells where I have like a one or two hour episode of total sensory overload. My mind is racing, and spinning, and taking in every sound, and amplifying it ten fold. My body convulses and twitches like it is being pumped full of current. I have try to hold perfectly still so I don't tumble over or toss my cookies all over the place. I start to panic, and it turns into a full blown panic attack. The lights are so bright that I feel like they are scalding my retinas, and somehow my body becomes it's own combustion oven. I turn beat red and drip with sweat. The pain during these episodes is so intense that all I can do is curl up in a ball and cry. These are usually the only times that I cannot physically hide my disease, but I do usually go escape somewhere and hide from people in general.

Does anybody else have episodes such as these or any strange, atypical symptoms they would like to share? Please feel free to comment.

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