Sunday, March 29, 2015

HUGS; 6 ways To Avoid Them

This is typically what I think to myself when people try to hug me. Not because I don't like hugs, but because they stinking HURT! Especially when they squeeze just a little bit...... and it feels like they are the Hulk and they are crushing every bone in your body with little effort. There are a few things you can do to avoid hugs:

1. Awkwardly pull back into a half-ass handshake, and act like that was what you were going for the whole time.

2. Point into space and claim you saw aliens. "Hey, look over there!"

3. Claim you are terrified of germs. "Eww, gross, don't touch me."

4. Act so completely insane that the person decides not to hug you.

5. Run away, hide, or escape.


6. Flat out deny the hug.


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